[][src]Module rchain_v1::rchain



Represents an account on the blockchain This is basically the primary part of the "world state" of the blockchain It is the final status after performing all blocks in order


One single part of the blockchain. Basically contains a list of transactions


The actual Blockchain container


Stores a request to the blockchain



We can support different types of accounts which could be used to represent different roles within the system This is just for later extension, for now we will only use User accounts


A single operation to be stored on the chain Noticeable, enums in rust actually can carry data in a tuple-like structure (CreateUserAccount) or a dictionary-like (the ChangeStoreValue)



Represents the current state of the blockchain after all Blocks are executed A world state is technically not necessary since we always could build the information by iterating through all the blocks. Generally, this doesn't seem like a good option However, we do not force the actual Blockchain to implement a WorldState but rather behave like having one. This trait therefore just defines an expected interface into our Blockchain (Actually it doesn't even care if we the information is stored within a blockchain)



Will take an array of bytes and transform it into a string by interpreting every byte as an character due to RFC 1023 that's not possible @Link https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/blob/master/text/1023-rebalancing-coherence.md (trait and parameters are not within the local crate) Will take an array of bytes and transform it into a string by interpreting every byte as an character